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COVID-19 A-Z Challenge

Writer's picture: Matt MurrieMatt Murrie

Just because we don't understand everything doesn't mean we can't understand something. What if, taking steps at understanding something are the first steps to do something about it?

What if we break COVID-19 down from A -Z?

Below is the first, known A-Z breakdown of COVID-19, shared by Steve Murrie, on April 6, 2020. Since this first case, other COVID-19 A-Zs have been compiled, the first being by educator and author of Maggie the Moomaid, Rachel Terlop on her blog post "The ABCs of COVID 19."

What if, after reading these, you join the COVID A-Z Challenge by creating your own COVID-19 A-Z and share it with others? What if, together, we can use curiosity to spread some good news and find some solutions?

How do you COVID-19 A-Z? For each letter of the alphabet (feel free to use any alphabet you want!), share any of the following:

- Something you're curious to learn about COVID-19

- Something you've learned about COVID-19

- Something you'd like to share about living through the experience of COVID-19


by Steve Murrie

A - Antibodies are agents your body produces to attack and destroy harmful bacteria, viruses and other bad invaders.

B - Bacteria are living things that can be good or harmful depending on the strain. Your body needs good bacteria in parts of your digestive system for the body to function correctly.

C - Coronaviruses are a kind of virus that are shaped like our sun (round with spikes that look like solar flares). Coronaviruses cause the common cold, and types of flu like the COVID-19 which is causing the current flu outbreak.

D - Doctors, nurses and medical people are working hard to help people heal from the virus; what if you do something creative to the outside of your house, apartment balcony, your front door, windows, or social media to say thanks to these people?

E - Educate yourself. Read a book you have been putting off for a long time. Learn about other countries, animals and plants. Make a list of places you would like to visit and make a mural of them.

F - Fear - Everyone is afraid of the unknown of this outbreak even adults, but it doesn't mean this fear must win. What if learning and doing more about the situation is the best way to keep fear away?

G - Going to be ok and most things will be back to normal, soon.

H - Hygiene - Practice good hygiene when sick, wash hands for 20 seconds, stay 6 feet away from people, cough in your sleeve or elbow and stay home when you are feeling sick.

I - Immune system - Your body is fighting harmful invaders day and night (24/7) to keep you healthy.

J - Journal - Keep a journal during this time to pass on to your kids and grandkids. Write your feelings, thoughts, hopes and fears.

K - Knowledge - Scientists are learning more and more everyday on how to combat COVID-19 now and how to be better prepared for ones of the future.

L - Leukocytes are the billions white blood cells that are fighting infections every day. It’s comforting to know that millions are produced by your body every minute.

L - Laugh - Find something funny everyday, a joke, a funny story or video.

M - Make a COVID-19 piñata using paper and masking tape or just be creative. Fill it with jean beans or other small candies. Then, hit it with a “vaccine stick” until it explodes just like a virus does in real life.

N - Nasal passages - COVID-19 virus enters the body through the moist lining to the inside of the nose. Fortunately, N95 masks are the ones by the medical staff. They have opening (pores) are so small that even the smallest viruses can not enter but air molecules can pass through. Some robbers use masks to hide their identities but people use the mask to “rob” the virus of a place to live.

O - Outbreak is when the infections spread through a region. An epidemic covers a small region and a pandemic is a worldwide coverage.

P - Protection - Your body has many ways to protect itself. The skin keeps out many harmful things. The nose, throat and lining of the respiratory system trap and get rid of yucky stuff. Your stomach’s acid can kill many types of invaders. Plus, the blood system fights anything that can get by the other layers of protection.

Q - Quarantine - Whether it's the first time you've ever heard of this word, or the first time you've ever done it, quarantining can help stop the spread of COVID-19 and other viruses.

R - Rodeo - This is not the “first rodeo” for scientists who have studied and cured a virus attack. People have always overcome viral outbreaks with the help of vaccines, medicines and people practicing good hygiene practices. Everybody needs to do their part in stopping the spread.

S - Scientists - Scientists are working all around the world, day and night, to find cures for the COVID-19 and other harmful agents.

T - Time - It’s always hard to wait on something to happen but given enough time the cures and treatments will be found to conquer the COVID-19.

U - Understanding that we are all in this together. We depend on each other to do their part even if it is staying home and not going out even to school, sporting events and social gatherings.

V - Viruses are strange creatures the only life function is to make copies of itself but it can only do this inside the body of an infected person, animal or plant. They are tricky because they can change or “transform” and emerge as a different kind of virus which makes it hard for scientists to find a vaccine or medicine that will destroy them.

W - Wash your hands the proper way for 20 second will destroy viruses and bacteria. Keeping your hands from your face is important in staying healthy even though it’s very hard to do.

Y- You can make a difference. What if you matter in stopping the spread of the virus? Everyone must do their part in stopping the spread of the COVID-19 virus and other infectious diseases.

Z - Zap - We are going to zap that COVID-19 with our super strong cures. That COVID-19 won’t know what hit it because it has no feelings it just a stupid virus.

Please share what you create with others and, as always, stay curious!


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